hadn't said anything. His face was bleeding from a cut on
his lip and his eye was swelling up. He stood up and
walked to the bathroom. Matt looked up at him.
"Cody, I'm sorry."
"Yeah, right."
Cody went into the bathroom.
Matt got up from the bed. He rummaged through his bag and
pulled out a pair of jeans and started to pull them on.
TJ grabbed his arm, "Hey, don't do that. This has
all been a big fuck-up, we can sort it out."
Matt turned to TJ, "Look, I'm going to end up being
more trouble than you need. What I just did to Cody was
totally fuckin over the top. I lost it. It can happen
TJ tried to stop Matt, but he finished dressing and
picked up his bag. As he opened the door, he turned to
"Hey TJ, tell Cody I'm sorry. You guys have been
pretty good to pack me as extra baggage."
TJ laughed, "You packed yourself remember?"
Matt smiled, "Yeah, I did too." He walked out
and closed the door.
Cody came into the room. "Where's Matt?"
"He's left."
"Left? What for?"
TJ glared at Cody, "Cos you can't keep your fuckin
hands to yourself Cody. You're like a fuckin slut
sometimes. Why couldn't you just lay off huh? Just this
fuckin once."
Cody didn't say anything. His face looked like he'd run
into a truck. "Fuck, he packs a punch and a
"Yeah, whatever," TJ sat down on the bed.
"You mad at me Teej?"
"I dunno Cody. Sometimes you say that you're my best
friend and we have such good times together. I just worry
that some hunky guy, like Matt, comes along and you're
into his pants like a rabbit on heat. I just sorta wonder
just what sort of friendship you're looking for."
"Yeah, but you get it off with guys and girls all
the fuckin time too."
"That's different Cody, we both do. We know about
it, like in LA with the guys. It's not like we were
hiding anything from each other. And we still had such a
damn good time with each other too."
"Did you tell Matt about us?"
"Maybe you shoulda."
TJ giggled sarcastically, "Yeah, fuckin right. You
can see how he went off when he thought you were
"I'm gonna go and fetch him back. Where is he?"
Cody walked towards the door and opened it.
"He's probably on the road. Er... Cody?"
Cody was almost out the door, "Yeah?"
"You gonna put some fuckin clothes on?"
Cody had forgotten that he was still naked. He quickly
shut the door. TJ fell on the bed laughing.
Cody pulled on a track pants and T-shirt. As he opened
the door he turned to TJ. "Hey Teej, Matt's pretty
hunky huh."
TJ laughed and threw a sneaker at Cody, "Cody, you
are totally fuckin unreal. Do you know that?"
Cody ducked the sneaker and giggled as he closed the
The air was warm. Cody ran across to the road. He looked
but couldn't see anything. He ran in the direction that
they were travelling. After five minutes he saw Matt
walking down the road.
"Hey Matt, wait up."
Matt stopped and Cody ran up to him, out of breath.
"Your face looks like shit."
Cody felt his eye, which was swelling up badly.
"Feels like shit too. So - where you headed?"
"Home I guess."
"So why not travel with us?"
Matt laughed, "Fuck man, you just saw me overreact.
I'm a lunatic. You guys don't need me around."
"If you leave, you're gonna make me feel like shit.
Can I be honest with ya without you beating me up
"Yeah, I guess."
"Well, my hand kinda went on to you while I was
sleepin. I woke up and realized it and didn't move it,
cos it felt cool."
"What? My dick in your hand felt cool? You're fuckin
"No, seriously, it did."
Matt smiled and looked at his feet, "You know, the
really wierd thing is that I kinda liked it too. I guess
that's why I freaked."
"Well I guess you like the feel of my bod too
huh," Cody laughed, "That's why you beat the
crap outta me."
Matt put his arm around Cody, "Hey, let's get back.
TJ is going to worry about us."
Cody put his arm around Matt's waist. He enjoyed the
feeling of the hard muscle as they walked.
TJ was sitting on the bed when Matt and Cody came in. He
smiled when he saw Matt, "You guys kiss and make
Matt just laughed.
Cody sat on TJ's bed. "Guess I'll just sleep on the
floor huh?"
Matt shook his head, "Cody, put on some damn shorts
or something and you can sleep in my bed. If you get
another woody I'm going to thrash you."
The early morning heat woke TJ up. His boner was driving
him crazy. He wished now that he and Cody were alone so
he could shove it down Cody's throat or something. He got
up and walked to the shower. His shorts were pushing out
in front of him as he walked.
He turned on the shower tap. He started to brush his
teeth. His other hand stroked his thundering hardon. He
put his hands inside his shorts and grabbed it. There was
no precum. Fuck, he thought. He took off his shorts and
then took some liquid soap in his hands. He slowly
massaged it into his hard muscle. The soap was lathering
in his pubes. Fuck that feels so damn good. He finished
brushing his teeth. The soap on his cock had gone almost
He got into the shower and stood with his back to the
spray. He wet his hand and stroked his boner. His hand
slid over it as the soap became slippery with the water.
As he stroked he used his other hand to tickle under his
balls, which were pulled tight into his crotch. The water
ran in little rivers down his chest and his flat stomach.
He stroked faster and felt the rush at the bottom of his
gut. He let it go and he saw it erupt from his cockhead,
on to the tiles. His body went into a spasm as his juice
left him. Fuck that felt so damn good.
He finished showering and climbed out. He didn't both to
dry himself. The morning heat would do that quick enough.
Cody and Matt were still sleeping. The covers were off of
them. Matt's one leg was laying over Cody's stomach. The
head of Cody's boner was pushing out of the waistband of
his shorts. TJ wished he could take a pic to show Matt.
Cody woke up first and managed to crawl out from under
Matt's leg without waking him. He didn't want any more
shit like the night before.
After the three of them had got dressed they walked out
of the room, towards the diner.
"Holy shit," said Matt and ducked behind the
corner of the building.
"Whatsup?" said TJ
"It's that dude I was with, that's his car."
TJ and Cody recognized the car.
TJ looked around, "He's probably in the diner."
"Fuck fuck fuck!" said Matt.
"Look," said TJ, "Let Cody and me go in
and have breakfast. We'll bring something for you. We can
also see if he's just having breakfast or if he's
"Okay, I'm going to wait back in the room".
Cody and TJ walked into the diner. They immediately
recognized the man, sitting at a booth table. They sat
down and a woman came to take their order.
They stared out of the window. "Hi," the voice
was next to them.
They both looked up, it was the man.
"Listen, I heard that there were three of you that
checked in here last night. Where's the third one?"
"Three of us? No way, it's just Cody and me."
said TJ.
"Oh, that's strange. The manager said he could swear
that three of you checked in. You two plus another
teenager with dark hair, good-looking, well-built."
TJ shook his head, "Nope, he must be mistaken. It
was just us."
He looked at Cody, "What happened to you son? Slip
on a bar of soap?"
Cody's face looked like shit. The one eye was swollen
badly and he had a bruise on his cheek.
The man smiled, "Okay, thanks. If you do happen to
see him along the road, please tell him that Andy is
looking for him."
"Yeah, sure. Of course." TJ smiled back.
"Yeah, fuckin right." said Cody as Andy walked
TJ looked glum, "Now what? How do we get outta here?
He is going to be watching us like a fuckin hawk. He
knows we're lying."
"Well, let's just immobilise his damn car. If we can
get outta here then he can't follow us right?"
"Yeah, but we'll have to get off the main road. Damn
Cody, why do we keep getting into this shit?"
Cody smiled, "Lucky, I guess."
TJ managed to pop the hood of Andy's car while Cody kept
an eye out for him. He threw the distributor cap into the
nearby bushes.
TJ got the Ram out of the lockup and the three of them
got in. TJ drove off as quietly as possible.
"Next stop Las Vegas," TJ shouted.
"Way fuckin cool. Always wanted to see it,"
said Cody. |


