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Author's Note: If you are offended by material involving sex between a man and an adolescent boy or between teen boys then read no further. If you are under eighteen then also, please read no further. This story is purely fictional and exists only in the mind of the author. AUTHOR: NOTE FROM CODY: The story is printed with permission of TeenTales. You can write to him at: teentales@aol.com |
Chapter Eight - Final Episode It is hard to describe the intensity of the next two weeks. Tyler was amazing, it was like he was trying to make up for all the time he had lost being detached from Vista's routine. I knew that he and Cody shared the same bed almost every night and I was also aware that sleeping was only one of the activities that occurred. I never again opened a closed door to either his or Cody's room. I had certainly learned my lesson and I wasn't going to risk staring that all over again, no matter how curious I might be. Frequently though, I would come home after work to find three naked teens beside the pool. Only once did I think I interrupted any of their activities though. I suspected that they made sure that anything they might do of a sexual nature was scheduled well in advance of my arrival time. I, of course, was never invited to participate so I cherished my birthday gifts even more. I was finally comfortable with knowing that I had the epitome of adolescent perfection meeting in all their natural beauty in my backyard and that they had no reservation about me seeing them in that condition. Sadness did return though as Tyler's date to return to his dad came closer. I could see the stress in his young face and I was sure he was beginning to feel what he was about lose by leaving Cody and Tommy. Since my trip to San Francisco, they were virtually inseparable. They surfed, they swam, they ate, lord knows they ate! I should have just had them move into Daniel's Market considering the groceries they consumed. And I'm sure now that they easily and frequently relieved their adolescent sexual tensions. The afternoon of Tyler's last day with us came all too quickly. I too realized how much he had become part of our lives and as I drove up the drive to Vista, I wondered what the mood would be. As usual, I found the three boys in the backyard by the pool. "Hi guys," I said as happily as I could, still mesmerized by their naked teen beauty. "Hi Jeff," they all said but not with much enthusiasm. "What's the matter?" I asked knowing what I thought to be the reason. "Ah Dad, you know. Tyler's leaving in the morning." I sat down on the edge of chaise lounge Tyler occupied. My hand reached out and softly stroked the older boy's arm. "We're going to miss you kid," I said looking at him sincerely. He smiled weakly and simply said, "Yeah." "Well there's no need to sit around here being glum," I said a perkily as I could. "Where do you guys want to go for dinner, I'll buy?" For the first time in the history of Vista, the topic of food didn't elicit an instant response from these human garbage disposals. "C'mon Tyler, you pick. We'll celebrate the time you were here." Cody and Tommy were obviously sad. I was somewhat surprised since they would now have each to themselves without Tyler being in the mix. I could tell they were genuinely sad that he was leaving. "How about the Pizza Port?" Tyler suggested. "You sure? That's no special treat," I commented. ""I'll take us anywhere, Epitzote's even the Pacifica Del Mar." "Pizza Port has been our place," Tyler said with what amounted to reverence. "Okay guys, you got it! I'll call them and have them deliver the usual," I started to get up. Tyler's hand held my arm. "Jeff, if it's okay with you can we walk and eat there?" "Sure," I answered not quite knowing why he wanted this. "When do you want to go?" "In about half an hour?" Tyler suggested. "Great, then walk to Pizza Port it is! You guys going to dress for dinner or go as you are?" I said trying to inject a little humor into this less than enthusiastic gaggle of boys. Finally there was a snicker among them. "We thought we'd just swing in the way we are," Cody chortled. "Maybe invite the saleslady from Nordstrom's to join us!" I took a mock swipe at Cody's head which he ducked easily and walked back into the house leaving them to themselves. True to their word, three young Adonises pulled on jeans and T-shirts and were ready to go within a half hour. As we walked down the drive and out the gate, I turned to go up PCH toward the restaurant. "Jeff?" Tyler said. "Yeah?" "Can we walk there on the beach?" "Sure," I said turning the other direction. We walked along the road across from the Brigantine and down the well trodden path that led to the beach and the separation between Del Mar and Solana Beach. The roar of the waves was strong and fortunately the tide was going out, otherwise a walk along the base of the cliffs to Fletcher Cove would have been impossible. The evening was crystal clear except for a hint of clouds on the far western horizon. It still early and the sun was still making its way down to be extinguished for the night by the sea. There wasn't much conversation. I think we were all lost in our thoughts as we unhurriedly made our way north. I noticed Tyler give a furtive glance at the side of the cliff that led up to Vista. It was then I realized that he was saying good-bye to this place as well as to his two friends. It took about a half an hour to reach Fletcher Cove and we hiked up the ramp into the beach parking lot, across the street to PCH and then a short distance to Pizza Port. The mood inside this beehive of activity was anything but somber. The boys ordered the pizzas and cokes while I drank one of their home brewed beers. Thank heavens for the loud music, the surf video on the wide screen and just the overall upbeat nature of the place. Soon the boys were laughing and talking wildly, discussing things they had done together over the last few weeks. It was comfortable and I was happy to be included in their banter. Unlike most meals, the boys took their time devouring the pizza. It was a long and pleasant feast and the only thing that reminded me that I was with three adolescents was the lack of any leftovers. I mentioned to them that it was a good thing Pizza Port's baking trays weren't edible. After an initial laugh, the conversation changed to discussing how an edible baking tray could be made for pizzas. I gave up and just smiled as their inventive teenage minds processed the idea. As on the way up, we walked back along the beach. The sun had set but there was still a glow of light on the horizon turning the far away clouds first pink and then deep orange. We took off our shoes and knotted the laces so they could be slung over our shoulders. Four pairs of bare feet walked quietly through the final tongue of ocean as it raced up the sand and then retreated. It was a perfect night. At last we reached the bottom of the drive and Tommy announced he had to go home. "Bye Tyler," he said sadly. "I'm really gonna miss ya dude." He held out his hand. "Bye Tommy," Tyler said with a sigh and took the younger boy's hand. It looked as if there might be a tear in Tyler's eye. As their hands touched, they looked into one another's faces and then yanked themselves towards one another, throwing their arms around each other in a strong embrace. When the hug ended, Tommy just gave Tyler one more look and said, "See ya dude. You're the best." With that the blond surfing god walked slowly away down Via de la Valle heading for home and never looking back. From the heave of his shoulders and his hand moving to his face, I knew he was crying. "He's gonna miss you," I said putting my arm around Tyler's shoulder. "Yeah," Tyler said with a quick sniff and a rub to his eyes. Cody, Tyler and I sat in the backyard and watched the stars. The waves could be heard in the distance and it was a fine night. We talked quietly and easily. We talked about Tyler's home and how he would get back to old friends. He said he wanted to see them but that he would rather stay here. There was nothing to be said about that. He had to go home. At last I announced I was going to turn in. I said goodnight to the boys and slowly made my way to my bedroom. As always, I left my door open. I turned on the bedstead lamp and read for a little while. Somehow I didn't need the blaring of the TV that night. After about 20 minutes, I heard the boys come in and begin getting ready for bed. Tyler came into my room clad only his underwear. He was a strikingly handsome young man and I realized now that I too would miss him. He sat on the edge of the bed. "I just want to say thank you, Jeff," he said looking at me sadly but honestly. "For what?" I asked. "For letting me come out, for putting up with my attitude, for sharing and just being loving I guess," he said and he flopped down across my chest and embraced me with a hug. I felt his strong muscles twitch across my own bare chest as I returned the embrace. I knew he was crying a little as he buried his head in my neck. I felt like crying too. When at last he pushed himself back up, I said, "Tyler, it has been an honor having you here. It hasn't been easy sometimes between your attitude and my stupid reactions but in the end we made it. I'm so glad you were here." "Me too," Tyler sniffled. "I talked to Randy today too," I said. "Yeah you said. You said when he was going to pick me up at home." "We talked about one other thing Tyler but I was going to let him tell you. Now I think I'd better." "What?" the seventeen year old asked wiping his eyes. "Well we thought it might be fun to all have Christmas at my dad's house." The thought took awhile to register but the light finally went on and he asked with surprise, "In England?" "Yeah, in England. We can take the train into London too. Walk down Oxford Street and look at the windows, see a play. Christmas in London. What do you think?" Once again I was in his embrace. This time it was one of happiness and relief. "You are awesome," he said. "I can't wait!" Finally I saw a grin on his face. "You can tell Cody tonight if you want. I'm even going to invite Tommy and his mom to go with us!" "You are awesome!" he said again and in a flash he bounded out of the room. "Hey Cody?" I heard him shout and then I heard Cody's door closing. Soon after that a small cheer came from Cody's room and I smiled. I let the sea breeze and the darkness of the night sweep over me as I nodded off. Because of the planned trip to England in three months, the atmosphere the next morning was not nearly as somber as it might have been. Cody and Tyler looked radiant and I suspected that they had both given each other something to remember during the night. We ate a quick breakfast and then piled Tyler's gear into the car. Tyler made one last sweep through Vista. I could tell he was memorizing every detail before he finally got into the car. "Have we got time to go the long way?" he asked as I started the engine. "Sure," I said knowing he wanted me to take surface streets along the coast down to San Diego rather than the freeway. I turned the car south on PCH and wandered through Del Mar then down the hill along the ocean. Tyler and Cody, hands gently overlapping, sat in the back seat with Tyler on the right hand side. We drove up the grade through Torrey Pines, dropped down into La Jolla village and then continued on through Pacific Beach until at last we turned toward Mission Bay. We passed the Sea World turn off then angled our way down Sports Arena Blvd. until we came to Rosecrans. I finally took the turn to Harbor Island and the airport. The San Diego skyline shone brightly in the early morning sun. There was some sadness as we walked toward the terminal carrying Tyler's bags, Cody on one side of the tall boy and I on the other. We checked him in and stood for about ten minutes talking quietly about the summer and about Christmas until the boarding call was announced. Tyler looked at both of us and I could see the tears welling up again. "God I'm gonna miss you guys," he said throwing his arms around me. I hugged him as hard as I could. Then I watched as he looked at Cody and I saw that there was not only friendship but genuine love between them. Tyler hugged Cody with all his might and I knew that both boys were crying just a little. "You are the greatest, Cody," I heard Tyler say. "You too, dude," Cody responded, "You too." Tyler waved a quick hand and the took off for the ramp. He paused at the door leading to the skyway and looked back, "Christmas!" he shouted with a grin and he disappeared. As when Tyler arrived, the atmosphere at Vista became different again. It was like a piece was missing. Tommy hung around often enough and there was no loss of enthusiasm between him and Cody. I guess we all just felt like there was sort of a hole where Tyler had been. And the boys were back in school too. It meant less time to be fooling around in the evenings with the demands of homework and all. One thing that did keep us somewhat in touch was the internet, so Cody, Tommy and Tyler chatted frequently. It was toward the end of September when Ms. Stanners informed me that I had been neglecting my clients in Montana and Wyoming. After I had picked up Cody, I had never gone back. What had once been a quarterly journey was almost year back now. I knew I had to go but I didn't really relish Cody being by himself. I thought perhaps he could stay with Tommy for the week or more I would be gone. I was going to broach the subject when I got home. My boy was sprawled on the couch drinking a soda and watching TV when I walked in. Tommy wasn't there so this was a good time to talk to him. He looked particularly beautiful in the late afternoon light, his soft brown hair shining and his golden eyes focusing on me as I entered the room. He was almost 15 but he was becoming even more beautiful if that was possible. The surfing summer and the mere process of being an adolescent had made him more defined in body and deeper in voice. "Hey Dad," he said cheerfully. "Hey kid," I said smiling and opening the refrigerator to grab a beer. I flopped down next to him and sort of stroked his head with a quick light brushing of my hand. He did that sexy flip of his head tossing his hair back from his eyes. "I have to go back to Billings," I said bluntly. "When?" Cody asked knowing that I had to make trips of that nature sometimes. "A week from Sunday," I said. "I thought maybe you could stay with Tommy while I was gone. Is that okay? I'll call his mom." Cody thought for a moment and then I thought I saw a small smile cross his lips. He reached out his hand and grabbed my wrist. "Can I go?" he asked. Now that was something that never occurred to me. I knew I had to go but the thought of taking him along had not entered my mind. He needed to be in school and it would be basically a boring trip for him with nothing to do. But then the memories of my last tripped flooded my mind and Cody was at the center of them. "You need to be in school, Cody," I said with parental authority. "Besides, there would be nothing for you to do while I was in all those drug stores." Cody sat up and looked at me. "I could take my work with me. I could study and read. I could even take my skateboard. It would be fun." His eyes were pleading. This wondrous, loving creature could melt me with those eyes. I wanted to protest but as I thought about it, it would be a chance for us to do something together again and I had to admit that I would enjoy the company on those long desolate roads between towns. "Well, tell you what," I said thoughtfully. "You tell your teachers you have to go with me and for them to give you all your work for the next week. If you come home with your assignments, I'll think about it." "Yesssssss!" Cody whooped and gave me a quick hug. I knew I was doomed. I pulled up alongside the curb and rolled Cody and our luggage out at the skycap. It was a lot different from the last time he and I had been on a flight at this airport. Now instead of a scared thirteen year old with only a backpack, it looked more like a four month safari had been planned. Cody had a huge bag full of his stuff, another bag full of books and school supplies, a medium weight jacket and a skateboard. I had one large bag of my own plus the two cases of samples which I would get rid of as we made our way around parts of Montana and Wyoming. I looked at him as I pulled away from the curb to park the car in the long term lot. The last time we were here, I was bringing a boy home not knowing where it was headed, now I was heading out with my son. The plane touched down mid-day in Billings. We were fortunate to have made some quick connecting flights in Salt Lake. Ms. Stanners was a genius with travel arrangements. By the time we got our bags claimed and picked up the rental car, I only had time to make three stops in Billings before we checked into the motel. We were both tired and after a large meal, Cody and I were fast asleep. The next morning, I finished my rounds in town and we headed west on I90 toward Butte. I still had many stops along the route but I did not realize the extra benefit having Cody along would bring. When the druggists hinted about company sponsored meals, I simply explained that I had my son with me this trip and couldn't manage it. I promised to make it up to them on the next trip. They seemed understanding enough and only one was perceptive enough to mention that I looked a little young to have a son his age. "He's adopted," I explained even though it was none of his business. "Look Cody," I said as we rumbled into Butte. "They've built a new motel. What do you think, want to give it a try?" Cody's huge eyes met mine. "Could we stay at the old one?" he asked with a smile. I put my hand on his knee and gave him a squeeze. "I'd like that too," I said with a nostalgic smile. "Hello Mr. Hastings," the manager said as we piled into the office. The night was turning chilly and the days were shorter up here than in San Diego. "Haven't seen you in quite awhile. And your nephew is with you again I see." This old guy must have been pushing eighty but his mind was still a steel trap. "I'm his son!" Cody announced with a bright smile and a sly look at me. The little shit. I knew he was trying to put me on the spot. He wanted to see how I was going to get out of this one and he liked to see me squirm. The old man looked a bit astonished. "His dad died, so I adopted him. I was his only living relative. And he has a learning disability so I can't leave him alone. He has to have constant care. It's a trial but someone had to do it," I said with my own sly grin aimed back at the teen by my side. I could tell the old guy was lost now so he merely nodded and smiled handing us the keys to the same room we had had almost a year before. "Asshole," I said slapping the back of his head lightly as we walked into the room. Cody just laughed. "I thought it would be interesting to see what you said. You got me though, learning disability! Shit!" We ate at that same restaurant in town and then returned to the room. After an hour or more of TV, I turned out the light and wished Cody pleasant dreams looking across at him in the moonlight in the bed next to mine. "Night Dad," he said and rolled over with his back toward me. The memories of the last time in this room flooded my mind as I heard him drift softly off to sleep. I was so lucky and yet now things were so different. He had become my son but he had never quite left being something that was beyond paternal love. I turned over and fell asleep myself. In the middle of the night, I woke up and found that Cody was by my side. He was recreating our second night in this room. My mind was now confused but it felt so good to have him beside me again. "You awake," I whispered. "Uh huh," he said quietly, his hand running up and down my chest. Cody had not spent the night with me like this in months. "This isn't right," I said. "Are you going to start that shit again?" he asked giving me a soft kiss. "Why are you doing this?" I asked bluntly. "You don't need to," I said. Cody rolled over on his back and stared at the ceiling. "Have you seen any men you want to be with?" he asked. I was taken aback. It was an odd question from an almost fifteen year old to be asking in the middle of the night. "No, why?" "Do you think you might?" he continued. "I guess it could happen," I answered wondering where this was heading. "But you still like boys, right?" "Yeah," I said feeling somewhat sheepish about saying so out loud again after so long a time since we had both confessed in this very room. "Do I still look good?" he asked. I could see the moonlight dancing in his eyes. "Cody, you are the most wonderful, beautiful kid in the world," I said leaning up on one elbow and stroking his hair with my other hand. "Well, I was just thinking," he said. "For most of the last few weeks, I've had company in my room. I mean Tyler was there." "Yeah?" I acknowledged. "You want to know something?" he said looking over at me. "Sure," I answered. "Not one of those nights with him was even close to the way I feel now. Tyler was a good friend and I guess in a way I loved him but never like you Jeff. Lying here, I know I'm safe and wanted. I don't know how to describe it." "Thanks," I said still stroking him. "No Jeff, I mean it! I like being here with you. I like being with you at home. I like it when we sleep, I like when we do other things." I sighed a little. "I'm your dad now, Cody." "Jeff...Dad...well you are my dad now. But you aren't my dad too. I mean this is different than with my real dad." I could hear the frustration in his voice. I knew he had been thinking about this some time. "What is it Cody?" I asked now becoming worried. He pushed himself up in the bed so that he was leaning against the headboard. Now the silvery light splashed across his chest. "Well, it's different. You aren't my real dad." I was beginning to feel hurt a little but I waited to see what was on his mind. "There's a big difference here," he continued. "It's a really special difference, dad." I still said nothing. "I guess what I think is... well.. we chose each other. It's not like one day you had a son and were obliged to care for him. You picked me up here in the middle of nowhere and you cared for me and you loved me. You loved me in a lot of ways but all of them were true. You never gave me up. And I loved you and I do now more than anything." I took a deep breath and focused on the beautiful face in front of me fighting to hold back my tears. "Anyway," he went on, "Will you always be my dad?" "Oh Cody, I'll be your dad forever if you'll let me." I put my arm around him and pulled him close. "I'm going to grow up," he said with kind of a whimper. "I'm going to stop being a boy and be a man, Jeff." Now it was beginning to dawn on me. He wanted to know if I would still be his dad, love him, even when he became a man. I had said I hadn't seen a man I wanted to be with. "Oh Cody, no matter what I will always love you. You will always be my son. My father is old but I still love him. I would die without you in my life. You are right, we chose each other. That did make it special." Cody looked over at me with relief in his face. "Then can I ask you one thing?" "Anything," I said. "Will you let me be with you like this when I want? I am still a boy and I want to enjoy being a boy with you. I want to do what we did before until either you or I decide to quit. Every time you push me away with your "dad" thing, I've lost a chance as a boy to be with someone I love. Does that make sense?" I looked at this perfect work of adolescence and just melted. "I'm sorry Cody, I never saw it that way. I never wanted to reject you. I just felt like you had Tommy and Tyler. I have always thought, despite my fuck up last summer, that you should be with guys your own age. Not a twenty-eight year old." "Jeff, I promise I will never do anything with you I don't want to if you'll promise me that you'll never turn me away." "Damn you are so special," I said. We slid down under the covers and wrapped up in each other's arms, flesh to flesh, love to love. It was late afternoon as we pulled out of Cameron. I had managed to rush through my stops in Ennis and finally break away from the pharmacist in this small town. We headed south, aiming for West Yellowstone to spend the night. We were getting closer to Quake Lake as the sun began to set. "It was right along in here," Cody said quietly. "Yeah," I said knowing he was referring to the spot where I had picked him up almost a year and then again a lifetime ago. "You want to stop?" "Can we?" he asked looking over at me. I pulled the car off to the side of the road and we got out. The air was chilly and we pulled our jackets close. Cody walked across the empty highway and stood on the side he had been on when I had stopped for him. I joined him, listening to the sound of my shoes crunching in the gravel beneath them. I stood with my arm around him and we both watched the sun as it began to sink below the horizon. "My life started here," Cody said quietly. I pulled him tight, shoulder to shoulder. "I don't know why you were put on this spot Cody but I will always be grateful. You are my life." The final crescent of orange flickered out behind the horizon. The cool air and silence drifted across the land. Cody and I stood side by side together remembering our first meeting and looking into a future that would keep our lives entwined together for a lifetime. The End I would like to thank all the people who have taken the time to write and share their feelings about this story. Positive comments about Caring for Cody and Cody's Companions have provided the motivation to finish the stories. My special thanks to a good friends on the East Coast of the United States who have supported, not only my story but me as well, through the year it took to complete these. Finally thanks to my friend in Virginia who always advised me on the story's progress and to a friend in England who offered invaluable editing assistance. |
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