
Dare to Dream
think it was summed up at the closing ceremony -
"The greatest Olympics ever." Congratulations
to Australia on givin the world a fantastic
spectacle of sportsmanship from around the
world. Congratulations to everyone who won
medals and most of all - congratulations to
everyone who took part - whether it was sitting
at home watching on TV or being a part of the
great Olympic party. I once wrote a story
about myself swimming at the games at finally
meeting Mr.B, who came to the Sydney Aquatic
Centre to watch me swim the 200m butterfly,
which I won - hehehe of course - or did I come
3rd - I can't remember - I remember earning a
medal tho. Well, an Aussie teen wrote me a
letter which I've put somewhere on this page -
with my reply - to me that mail was my medal.
South African team didn't win too many medals.
In fact, we won only five. Penny Heyns has
retired after a disappointing performance for
herself - but Penny has given South Africa some
wonderful memories and she has put SA swimming
on the international stage. She has and I
guess always will be a great influence on all of
us with aspirations to become world class
swimmers one day.
one medal which we won - and which made all the
guys at school go totally ballistic - was the
silver medal won by Terence Parkin, the deaf
South African swimmer in the 200m breast stroke
final. Terence is really an inspiration for
all of us to dream and to turn those dreams into
reality. He has overcome his personal handicap
to fly with the best in the world and prove that
he can. Congrats Terence - from the world - we
will always remember your fantastic smile when
you got your medal.

guess we all have our own personal memories of
the Sydney Olympics and I hope they stay with
you all forever. For all those teens out there
who are trying so hard and feeling like there's
no light at the end of the tunnel - please -
dream on and persevere. Dreams can't come
true, unless you have them.

those of you who were there, if you saw an old
guy with white hair sitting in the stands.
That was Mr B - screaming and shouting
encouragement to everyone. That pink thing you
saw sitting on his lap? That was his pink
fairy getting ready to sprinkle some fairy dust
on you - win or lose - to let you know that win
or lose - you've dared to dream - and that dream
has come true.

This will
teach you to come home without any medals.
If I had a
medal - I will give it to that dude who couldn't
even swim 50 meters when he got to Sydney and
then went and swam 100 in the longest time
ever. He dreamt!

Cody News
Number 17 - October 2000

So Cody, I hear that you
went horse riding on your break. Want to come
and ride my bucking bronco?

Oh, you're awake - cool -
Cody's come to visit.

Love is a special thing. So
bugger off Cody - and stop staring.

You better move with that
camera dude or I'm gonna cream you.

I should be safe here without
Cody hassling me. YEAH RIGHT!

Yeah, it is neatly wrapped -
Want to unwrap it?

Hey - you can hit them as hard
as you like - those are rock sol..... OOOMPH!

Yeppo - this is the latest in
Xmas wrapping.

Ok - well if he said that you
could open this before Xmas then it should be

No - that top button is

Damn - where the hell is he

So - how long must I keep my
arms up like this?

Hurry up Cody - you gonna come
over here and take them off or not?
Hi buds
Knuckling down
as we head towards our final exams of high school. A lot
of you know what that feels like and you know whats
involved. So if you don't hear from me for a while - you
know why.
I have just got
back from the most amazing Spring Break. I spent it with a
friend of mine up on the Garden Route of the southern Cape,
here in SA. Mr.B wil no doubt fill you in on all the
details on his Mr B site - so you can pay him a visit and
get - D O W N !
I hope that
everyone who managed to see the Olympics managed to get as
much enjoyment out of it as I did. I've got a special
column on some of my thoughts and I hope that you enjoy it -
even if you don't agree with all of it. I've also enjoyed
putting a coupla olympic graphics together with all the
stuff I've stolen off of various olympic sites. If anyone
is not happy, please let me know and I'll remove the pics.
Once again I've
received a mountain of e-mail and I must apologise to
everyone for not replying. Being away for the break and
getting down to some serious studying, there isn't much
chance that I'm gonna get a chance to reply to everyone but
I loveya for sending mail to me.
Hang on a sec -
I'm gonna go make myself a peanut butter toasted sarmie.
Check this out
while you're waiting -

OK - that's better - now
that I've got somethin in my gut I can carry on.
Do you
care for your friends?
Now that's a really
stupid question right? OK so then let me ask it this way
- do you care enough about your friends to really piss them
off big time - in the hope that they'll realise just how
much you care for them later. I've got a little guy who
lives next door - goes by the nick of Wingnut. A while ago
he started hanging out with this new friend of his who is
totally into drugs - and not just weed. He's a sporty dude
as well - they go surfing together and skate together and do
the sorta things young teens get up to. The prob I have is
that this friend has got loads of cash and seems to have a
never ending supply of heavy shit that he's got Wingnut
into. Along with the drugs Wingnut has created this
attitude, which I think is from his bud - it's like a "fuck
everyone" type attitude - I guess a lot of you at school
know exactly what I'm talking about. The biggest problem
is that Wingnut has tried to kick it already - and is having
a hard time cos every time he connects with his bud he gets
back into it. What I don't want is for him to feel that
I'm gonna judge him all the time and that he can't speak to
me. So - instead of losing him completely - I try not to
focus on his bud which I have been doing and rather try and
get him involved in more positive stuff - like staying in
the surf and keeping busy. My other friend Mark has got
him in the gym every morning - teaching him some boxing.
The worst times are the weekends when the two of them
connect - it's hard for me to actually stand back and
watch. But at the same time he needs to know that I'm
there - so when he falls I can pick him up and hopefully
he'll turn around.
So - do you love your
friend enuf for them to know that you care?

On the other foot - I get
a lotta mail from guys who are feeling down about one thing
or another. There is always someone out there who cares
enuf to helpya - don't carry such a load on your shoulders
alone - speak to someone. The net has made this a small
small world - so out there - somewhere - is someone who
really cares.
Well - that's me for this
month. Hey - enjoy Halloween and watch out for those
witches that come out in the night. Anyway - I'm almost
sure that for those of you who can - you're gonna be a
goblin - hehehehe.
Cya guys (ooops & gals)
Cody |