A message to a
Hey bud, I know that you're
not gonna ever read this - you'd probably beat me up if you ever saw
it :)
Thanks for making everything
so special and for not judging me. We've been through
one helluva rocky friendship and I hope that I see you again
soon. This pic is not of you - close tho - but as soon
as I saw it - I remembered the feel of you - the smell of you - and
that rare smile under that macho facade.

 Kiss me.
 Your top button's bust - DAMN!
got what it takes dude?
 OK - So Kostik had an exciting
Cody News
Number 19 - January / February
2001 Hi buds
I want to thank all ofya for
being so patient with me. I know that this news page is
way overdue but I've had a lot on my plate recently and I hope that
you understand. Well I hope you all had a totally cool
holiday - that the Christmas and New Year holiday that I'm talkin
about. I also hope that you all have a totally peaceful
and happy (and hard?) 2001.
I've combo'd the January and
February news page together and I've tried to make up for it with
this page, so I hopeya enjoy it.
Last news page I toldya about
my str8 buddy who I've fallen in love with. My bud has
gone to Johannesburg to get away from various situations that are
going on here and I think also to clear up his head. The
two of us made love and I think it really screwed up all the
conceptions he ever carried about same sex
relationships. I think about him all the time and he has
taken time out to phone me from Johannesburg and keep me up to date
with whats happening with him up there. Have you ever
loved someone so much that it drives you crazy when they're not
around and you get real downers when you think that you might not
see them again? Yeah well - thats me at the moment.
Before I forget I want to
thank John for putting the last news page up for me and for the
awesome graphic - I really appreciate it. I also
want to thank Mr.B for keeping me on track with my
mind. TJ? Hehehehe we keep missing each
other on the net - the glory of time zones around the
Work is going pretty cool -
just in case you're interested. And the surfing is still
going. Wingnut and Steve are keeping me in the water and
it helps to clear the cobwebs. Steph? Well Steph
and me are still together - I think she understands how much I miss
my bud which is pretty cool.
A load of you have written
email to me and please accept my apologies for not writin
back. The only chance I get is from an internet cafe
near where I work or sometimes over a weekend when the folks are out
and I can do some work on the comp - but then I try and work on
graphics and shit like that.
I get the opportunity every
now and again to do some scuba diving with my boss and his boys and
some friends of theirs. Only been out once on to
the reefs but I'm sure theres gonna be other opportunities coming
I am also working on a new
Cody TJ Adventure. This time we travel to Singapore to
track down the guys that supply junior swimmers with
amphetamines. Gonna be a good story - mmmm -
maybe. Thanks to Curtis for giving me the idea - its
gonna take a while to complete tho. Still stacks to do on
I've added a few new teen
warriors to Cody's Universe. If you haven't seen them
yet. I know that a coupla the links aren't working on
the friends and links pages - I'll get them sorted as soon as I've
got time to go through the whole site. I've had a coupla
guys from South Africa write me - one or two of them have asked to
meet - sorry guys can't do that - hopeya understand.
There are a coupla pics that
can't be enlarged but I thought I'd put them up anyway - they're
cool. If you hold you cursor over some of the pics you
can see what these dudes are thinking.
Loveya all Your
friend Cody