From one day to the next Cody's attitude towards drugs changed completely. He was never into anything heavy and he still would take a drag from the occassional joint, depending on where or with you. He was given some really hard stuff when he was on a swim tour. He spent a weekend with a "friend" and only he knew what he was given, or maybe he didn't. But the result was that he was raped by an older guy and his friend on a farm out of town. He never spoke about it to anyone. The only person who knew was Mr.B, from Cody's mail. He had to tell someone. He was ashamed and swore that it would never happen again. The story of the rape was included in Daniel's Diary and is there for anyone to read, if they're interested. After I've been on a trip I get told how out of control I get and make myself vulnerable. I've been beaten up twice while tripping and I still cannot tell you exactly what happened. That is the problem. So hopefully you understand Cody's stand on the whole issue.
The sport of surfing is the most incredibly self satisfying activity that anyone can ever take part in. The feeling of paddling for a building peak and then feeling the power of the ocean as it lifts and pushes you forward. That exhileration as you power down the face of a wave and the quick bottom turn. If I do carry on with these pages, then I will feature some of the spots the Cody and I surfed at. Cody and I
loved to go to Dunes. It is a cool spot on the long beach between
Noordhoek and Long Beach, Kommetjie in Cape Town. Drop off at the parking
lot and put your stick under your arm and then take the long walk. Once
you're there and the surf is working (you would checked it out first from
Chapman's Peak anyway) then the walk is worth it. One evening we went out
in quite stormy surf which was totally stupid. Cody took off on a hectic
break and ended up snapping his leash and his board buggered off without
him. There was a rip from the beach towards the sea of about 20 meters and
if it wasn't for Code being a strong swimmer he would've had to ride the
rip and hoped it dropped him off further down the beach. But after the
swim he was stuffed and it was the end of that little trip. Cody was
really pissed off about the whole thing and turned his board over and over
to check if there was any damage, but there wasn't. |
I thought I'd put my buds head on to this picture of this drawing with a cool sixpack hahahahaha. Just my evil head. Cody battled to get a sixpack and it didn't matter how many damn situps he did. His stomach was muscular and hard but had no sixpack definition poor bugger. I used to stand in front of him and put my hands on his hips and lift his T up, letting my hands cruise up his hard tight lats. The first sight of his flat stomach and pecs was instant hardon material. His skin was smooth and you could feel the hard muscle underneath. He had a cute butt as well :)
Every year in June there is a competition held in Cape Town called Big Wave Africa, sponsored by Red Bull. Around 20 big wave surfers from all over the world come to tame the Dungeons 5 meter monster. Sometimes, like this year, the competition is called off if the wave doesn't get big enough for the comp. This pic shows you what the guys look forward to. The wave is at Dungeons, Hout Bay, Cape Town. Not for the feint hearted.
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