So. You're back. That's cool I guess. It means that I must've done something right in the last two news pages. Hey Cody would've given me shit if I didn't put everything into it so you'd better be digging the scene. In between studying for finals I've had a rave putting the graphics together and I hope you enjoy the special on Egor. Also tried my hand at Flash for the first time and I'm pretty chuffed with myself :) It's best to view this page full screen 600x800 or the tables don't line up properly
Going into my last year as a teenager is very different. It's hard to believe that next year I'm gonna be a nobody. Not a teenager and not an adult. I started this year off on a total busted trip. Those who have been reading MrB will know what I'm on about. But the stuff that I got for my 19th birthday will be something that I will always think of as very special and although a very important aspect of my birthday was missing, that I had had for the last coupla years,it will be a birthday that I will remember. I got a few emails from net friends which were really cool and I got a few graphics and I couldnt believe that you guys would actually take that kinda time and do that sorta thing. I got a song from Clint which totally blew me away and I got a hug from my folks which I will remember forever. Below this text are the graphics that I got and I just want to say thanks to all the people who wrote and did this stuff. It meant a lot to me.
A small report about a break called Dangers on this page. The graphic of Egor who I taught how to surf by using him as a board:) Report back on Mr.B's birthday and the Tarzan vote. I sent the Tarzan challenge to a few more webmasters, so let us see who took up the challenge or who thought their guys were maybe just a little "chicken". There's a voting section on the page, just click on who you think you would like to see in the next Teen Tarzan movie. In all fairness though, it depends on how good the graphic is, so I hope that I've been fair to the dudes. For any webmasters that do bother to read any of the stuff on this page I'm gonna run another competition for the best looker in terms of his face. Eyes, nose, mouth whatever. I'll come up with an idea. In the meantime, search amongst your models for the "Best Pecs" competition cos that's the next one I'm gonna run. Send me your best pec model pic and let's get it on. What's Steve been up to, besides studying. Well Steph and me are still going out and it looks like it's just about permanent. She's a very special lady. She has to be, she was Cody's lady. Went and had dinner with Cody's folks and they're doing okay. They're very special people. Cody's room? Well it's still like he left it last year and it's still a very special place for all this friends who shared his laughter and his joked in his pad. The Winger? I've had a good feedback about what people think of his bod. He's also studying for end of year exams and it's going well with him. I think the Codeman instilled a sense of hard work into that little dude. He's not getting his own way when the two of us spar with the gloves any more. I'm sure it's got a lot to do with what Mark taught me in Johannesburg but also a bit to do about my new found fitness level. He turned 15 in mid August, the same age Code was when I first met him. So, officially the Winger's age is now 15 going on 16. This is like a bumper issue, with more pics than normal, cos I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to put the next page up, so enjoy the page.
Think he would make a good Tarzan? BODY PARTS
Summer time is when you get to laze at the pool and wait for friends to rock up so you can have wrestling games in the clear blue water and just take the opportunity to touch each other and know that every touch is a special moment and every memory is to be cherished. Soak up the sun and let the UV's cure the skin problems that the cold of winter brought on. You can lay like this dude and just wait for that special friend to come up behind you and rub their hands over you pecs and down your abs and before you know it, both of you are in the pool having a rave.
There's just something about
a guy with specs, and an open shirt and an interesting look on his face,
or is that 'interested'. Among the things you'll always remember is when you were teens and you and your best bud could sit around naked and laugh your tits off at the most stupid things and capture the moment forever. |
Danger Beach is between the suburbs of St.James and Kalk Bay in Cape Town. Well, it's closer to St.James railway station, for those taking the train. It has a left and right reef break and the right can be pretty damn graunchy when it's working. Can also get a bit packed sometimes. I've updated
the Surf Linx on Cody's Universe Surf site. I've got a coupla links there
to some totally hot surf pic sites around Cape Town, so you can see where
Cody used to surf and where Winger and I still hit the lip.
The pics I use for this report are "borrowed" from those sites,
so pay them a visit okay. You don't need to mention you came from
Cody's World and in fact it would probably be better if you didn't, if you
catch my drift. I want one of these. But I
want the one with the dude inside it :) |
Hey Steve, come here and check this out. There's this dude jacking off in the hotel swimming pool. Jizz in case you want to know that before you go diving in there. Sport's Package Tours.
Wingnut's latest craze is collecting Dragonball cards from packets of Doritos. He's been buying packets for us and making sure we give him the DZ cards. |
The Tarzan of the Net - Voting
"Peace, Love, Respect" Steve.
Dont miss the results - in the next Cody News
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