Hey Dudes and Dudesses (Yeah, I know of at least one dudess who really digs this page .... so there!) I've been getting a few emails in the last month and it's been really good to read. The Wiz is on the move or at least has moved. Jace has had his hand mangled by the tailgate of his truck. Hope it is better by the time you're all reading this. I'm busy with a huge graphic that has a million and odd things in it that Cody really dug. When I eventually get to putting it up it will be like one of those puzzles where you have to look for a whole lot of listed items. The Codeman Wall Studies are going really well but it does involve a fucking lot of self motivation. So its a new thing for me. Ive always been kinda used to getting things on a plate. So now the wheel turns. I think the trick I have learnt is to ensure that my assignments are all up to date. We have also had some really gnarly surf just recently and its been cooking. Went out to Big Bay with some buds and it was really fucking outrageous. You stand on the beach and watch the little waves and then paddle out and come face to face with some monster surf. Similar to conditions at another spot called Witsands (White Sands). Looks reasonable until you're looking up at a climbing face. Got a really cool email from a guy in Brasil that Cody used to communicate with. João translated some of Cody's stories to Portuguese on his website: http://oldnotwise.tripod.com/estrada/estrada00.htm Anyway, this is what he wrote: "You made an important question in number 30: Is there life after Cody? A very old song from the sixties (only Gary could know it) said: ìWhy
does the sun go on shining? When we lose someone we love, and much more when the loss is forever, the world seems to end for us. But at same time the world goes on as always. The shock between the two realities, the complete emptiness inside us and full life outside, is too difficult to understand or simply to accept. But life always wins. We like to say that Cody is an angel now. A think he has always been an angel. The word ìangelî comes from the Greek ìAggellozî , that means ìmessengerî. He was the messenger that brought us a message of life. He showed us how life must be lived. And he early left us to send the message to other people. Yes, there ís life after Cody cause life and Cody are the same. Whenever a boy laughs, whenever a boy surfs, whenever a boy loves, Cody will be alive. That ís what I believe with all my heart. The better homage you can do to your friend is to live your life the way he wanted you to live. And you already know the recipe: Peace, Love, Respect. And I add: happiness." So I did some research and found that the words come from the song "The End of the World" By Kent and Dee and the whole song is: The
End of The World Of course Cody told João about the things I had told him. My exploits in Brasil when I was still a courier at a tender age. I told Cody about all the girls from Ipanema that I had bonked. The real fact is I met an absolutely lovely lady there by the name of Maria and a boy my age called Luis. And I didn't bonk all the girls from Ipanema but I would've tried, given half a chance :) The people that I met over there were really special even under the circumstances. So enjoy this page and the bits and pieces of trivia on it. If I don't meet you in the sack, then ... till next time !
Loveya |
college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam. "Now
class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow. I might
consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal injury or illness, or a
death in your immediate family but that's it, no other excuses
whatsoever!" A smart-ass guy in the back of the room raised
his hand and asks, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering
from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class
does its best to stifle their laughter and snickering. When silence is
restored, the teacher smiles sympathetically at the student, shakes her head,
and sweetly says, "Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your
other hand." "Not tonight dear, I've got a headache." |
There is one thing that both Code and I agreed on often. Get wet. There is nothing hornier than the sign of little water rivulets finding their way through a cut muscular outline. Here are two pics for you guys who agree :) |
A lot of people might not know it, but one of the best story sites on the web was actually inspired by Cody. Mr. B is currently writing Cody's story, based on his e-mails, and of course I am featured in there quite a bit, especially with the chocolate and I get most of the chicks :)
This was the last Cody News that Steve published.
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