Cody News Number 4 - August 1999 - No. 2

 Just added the 'original' Cody stories to my story site - check it out.

Bullies are a pain in the ass - Read about them in one of
the articles in this newsletter.

This is turnin into a helluva month so far.
Later in this news page you'll read about bullies - yeah well I guess
what goes around comes around.
Updates to my web page this month so far:I've added a few more banners on my
Links page - so pay the guys a visit.
I've changed the layout of the Cody TJ story page and I've included the original Cody
story - well I call it the original Cody story cos it was when I read that, that I got the
idea to write the Adventures of Cody and TJ.
Cody's Teen Warriors has got six new recruits. Some pretty cute recruits - I think I must
become their drill instructor or somethin :)
I'm hopin to put up new stuff on the sports and surfin pages - I've just gotta find the
damn time tho.

Most of the pics on
this page are thumbs, so you just needta click on them to get the larger, clearer pic.
Some of the pics have mouseover captions. I've put some of my fav sportin pics on this page - hopeya enjoy them.
Cody's Special -
Jackin' Part Two
Mmmm this is probly to balance your hormones or somethin. I get asked some really hard
questions from older guys - like - a teacher who has a cute 14 year old in his class. Is
it wrong to keep lookin at the little guy?
Well my answer is this: Look and even make friends BUT - dont touch - dont stalk - dont
meet in quiet places - dont have him over at your house if youre gonna be alone - I guess
what I mean is that if an older dude wants to look at me - let him - just dont put
yourself into a position that can be misinterpreted in a way that can sendya to jail or
have you branded as a pedo.

I've had a run in with two bullies this month. One of them a total asshole who likes to
pick on little guys and who always has a group of friends to back him up. He made the
mistake of pickin on a frienda mine and we ended up in the gym at school. He lost - and
then organised to get me beaten up in the changerooms a few days later. The guys on the
swim team heard about it and then came in - in time to stop me from pickin up my teeth. I
like to stand on my own two feet and Im also not scared to fight if I needta. But I woulda
got hurt against these guys and it was good to know that my friends were there for me.
The second bully is one of those guys that likes to take advantage of ya when you're
vulnerable. When I first met him it was on a school swim tour and I wont go into all the
details except to say that there was alcohol involved - amongst some other stuff. He was
down for a swim tour now and stayed over with me and thought that he could do the same
thing again. I made sure that I walked a str8 line to avoid bein put back into a position
where he coulda taken advantage again.
I guess I'm writin this to just warn the guys that they should always be on the lookout
for bullies and to remember that there are always friends around if ya need them. And stay
away from drugs and stuff - never put yourself into a position where you can be taken
advantage of.
So thereya have it.
Cya L8er
Swap drugs for

Dylan must be one of the hottest dudes on the net.
Check out the graphic I did for him on the page. I had to mod
this pic so you don't mistake him for my pet elephant.

Blonde and Cute
"Hello nipple - howzit goin buddy."

An older dude gets lucky on the beach.

Okay Cody - so now you've got my shirt buttons undone.
I dare you to go further.

Hot and Sweaty. I mean HOT and sweaty.

Hey Cody, so what do I take off after my shirt?

So - do you feel lucky?