Anybody can have a Cody Christmas - doesn't matter what religion you are. It's pretty easy.
So, what's the secret?
Well - look around and find someone who's probably not gonna have such a great holiday - maybe they're poor or maybe they're missin someone they were or are close to. Maybe it's just the time of year that makes them feel down cos of all the past memories. It could be someone who's old - like thirtysomethin - only kiddin - who just needs a friendly smile. Okay - here's somethin I wrote to guideya:
Cody's Holiday Wish
It could be me
It could be you
But probably not
So here is a clue.
A fadin smile
A head hung low
A tattered coat
And feet that are slow.
A tiny face
With big clear eyes
A brilliant reflection
Of a star in the skies.
Its not about riches
Or a house built in style
Its all about a stranger
Who embraces your smile.
Its all about knowin
That theres someone who cares
Not about a man
And the gifts he bears.
Its all about peace
And never endin love
It should come from you
and not a white dove.
To all my true friends
Who have entered my world
Show a stranger some love
And reap the reward.
Its no more than a feelin
But it lasts a long while
When the person you touch
Breaks into a smile.

I wish you all a really happy holiday - chill out with family and friends and enjoy - and remember - a hug is a really great gift.
Im gonna leaveya with this quote from a really old vinyl album my folks have got:
"A Stranger is just a friend you do not know."
