Hey dudes and howzit goin'. So first
off I must say how sorry I am for this totally late news page. Hey I
toldya so! hehehehe. So I thought I'd post this pic of myself
(YEAH RIGHT CODE!) SHUDDUP! Yeah well this was taken with my future
camera and this is what Im gonna look like when Im 30, 'Cept Im gonna
have bigger furniture :)
Cody News Number 22 - January 2002
best to view this page full screen 600x800 or the tables don't line up
graphic gift to all ofya is near the bottom of the page. Peace and Love
for 2002! |
Cody Sprouts Off
Okay so here we go. I toldya that the news was gonna be irregular so dont blame me that this one is so totally late. I have had a stacka mail askin if this news page was still goin on so the answer is yes but its not gonna be regular like a monthly period or anythin (YUCK I cant believe I wrote that). So the big surprise is that Im going into varsity to study ....... yep! Ive been keepin my acceptance as a surprise from everyone. The only person that knows is my dad cos he had to sign the damn papers or it woulda been a surprise for him as well. I think my mom is gonna be pretty stoked about it. Her little baby goin out into the big wide world. So am I ravin on or what? Hehehehe so Im a little excited. Live with it. Im gonna try and get this news up before Christmas but if I dont please have a really good one with your folks and friends. Have a cool 2002 cos I know I am.

Anyway so I was walkin on the beach
mindin my own business when I cam across this dude. I whipped out my
camera and said "Hey bud, I'm a photographer for National
Geographic. Want to pose for me?" He said, "Yeah, what project
are you taking photos for?" "Snakes!" The pic where he
was layin on his back I just kinda warmed his snake up a bit and it came
to life. "Hey, this snake needs to be milked. Its fulla damn venom.
Want me to suck the poison right outta there?" He was totally
outasight cool layin on my bed while my hands just kinda caressed
EVERYTHIN! Enjoy the pics as much as I enjoyed him :)
and 2002
Heres a job for you to do for New Years and you need to prepare for it a bit. Check back in your mind and try and remember all your friends. Both of them hehehehe. Just kiddin. Okay now find their numbers and on New Years give them a ring and say "Hey bud I was thinking of you and thought Id just give you a call." Easy huh? Chances are theyre gonna remember that phone call the whole damn year. Remember that "bud" that screwed your chick? Give him a call as well and tell him you love him and that all is forgiven.
Friends are so incredibly special. Its the little things that make it like that. Like hearing them tell a joke and the sound of them laughin. Being close to them on a cold night and sharing the warmth of your bodies. A kiss. Just sitting quietly around a campfire. Watching the stars. Sitting in the surf and not a wave in sight. Sharing an email. Find somethin special in your friend and you will find someone totally fantastic and new.
Heres somethin for all my friends around the world *kiss* *codyhug* Loveya!