Cody News Number 3 - August 1999 This dude is not only hot - he knows how to fill those leopard skin speedos. I hope those are drops of water on the pic :) |
![]() So tell me - how do you like this hunk. I fancy that thingy hes wearin - or whats under the thingy anyway. Could this be Steve and me? Maybe - we like to touch each other - or maybe just be close. You see, bein friends is about not bein afraid to be too close.
Hi to all my friends Well, while a lotta you are still on Summer vac, I am back at school. We only have a three week break during Winter. BUT - it was a cool holiday. Steve and me went up toJeffrey's Bay to catch the Billabong Surf Classic competition. Unfortunately the surf wasn't that great and there were a coupla days that the comp never happened. We did manage to catch some good surf while we were there tho. I'm busy puttin a diary of the trip together - so you can read about it on the Cody TJ story page. Back at school we are right back into swim trainin. We have a Winter comp coming up against a few schools and we have to train like hell just to stay in the squad. It's been pretty cold at night but the days are warm, as long as youre in the sun. We've had some good surf at the local beach so you can guess where Steve, Wingnut and myself have been hangin. Well - not always hangin - hehehehe. Even when there's no surf, I enjoy goin down to the beach and watchin the surf - especially when it's stormy. On some days I get lucky and there's someone like this on the beach as well. All the pics on this page are thumbs, so you just needta click on them to get the larger, clearer pic. Some of the pics have mouseover captions. I've put some of my fav sportin pics on this page - hopeya enjoy them. I've had a lotta guys ask me if I jack off -
well - yep - I love it. I've put somethin special here for all the guys - so
when you're finished with this page - go to: Mr. B, my friend in Oz, has been doin some pretty fancy things with his web page - so if you haven't yet - go and pay him a visit. There a some free episodes of Daniel's Diary to have a look at and he writes the most awesome stories. His site is at: So thereya have it. Cya L8er Cody Swap drugs for sport!
Troy Theres somethin about black and white pics which carry a pretty strong message. What doya reckon this guys thinkin? ABS - Beautiful ABS!
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Hadta put some clothes on this dude
SITE OF THE MONTH Check out Rob's page. You wont be sorry. |
Biceps are cool - Pump them up ! |
'til next time - CYA!
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